Crafting Digital Experiences
Explore my journey of innovation and achievement through a series of projects that reflect my expertise in full-stack development, data management, and AI. Each project is a testament to my ability to drive results and push the boundaries of technology
Diving deeper, I've honed my skills across a broad spectrum of technologies:
- Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Python
- Frameworks: React, Next.js, Angular, Ionic, Tailwind CSS, React Native, Node.js, Express, jQuery
- Tools: Git, AWS, CI/CD
- Database/Management: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase, CouchDB
- Deployment Platforms: AWS, Vercel, Netlify
Embracing these TECHNICAL SKILLS has empowered me to create and contribute to projects that are not only functional but also cutting-edge.
Personal Portfolio
Developed with Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS for optimal UI/UX. Utilizes the power of Amazon AWS, components from EasyUI and motion by Framer.
Developed a parallel calculation engine for the world’s first Financial DNA app in the real-estate industry. Applied Agile principles, and employed tools like React Native, Styled Components, MongoDB, Axios, and PayPal.